So yesterday marked the 4 year anniversary of something that changed my life. I went to disneyland with a classmate/friend. That magical trip to disneyland (of which of course I don't have any pictures because we were just friends hanging out), started something in me, that at that point in time I could not explain. It lead to a lot of hanging out in the lobby of my dorm with this guy whom all of the sudden I was totally falling for...

We spend the next several days, weeks months inseparable. In a few short months both of us knew that we were going to get married. Then 1 year later (3 years ago yesterday), it lead to him asking me to spend the rest of my life with him as husband and wife. He had the perfect set up for me, in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle, right before the fireworks. My dream. Obviously I said yes!

Which eventually (2.5 years later) led to this...

We are now happily married and enjoying life together. I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't go to Disneyland that day. Few people know this, but I actually called to cancel that day because a friend of mine was in the ER and a bunch of us were going to see her. I was in the car, driving towards the hospital when we found out she was getting released. We turned around, and I had a feeling that I couldn't explain. I called back and re confirmed that I was going to Disneyland, and the rest is history.
Disney is still one of our favorite places, and we are sad that this year, we didn't get to celebrate the 10th their like we have for the last 3 years. All this to say, I love my husband, and am so thankful for that fateful trip to Disney 4 years ago.
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