My favorite morning of the week is Friday mornings, Cinnamon roll morning. You see Friday's are my only day to be lazy, it is what most of you would consider a Sunday morning. On Thursday nights, my wonderful husband and I have a date night. 90% of the time, that just means we eat dinner at home and watch the NBC comedy line up (we heart Community and The Office), which is totally find with me (I don't need a big "going out" date all the time). This typically leads to us staying up a bit later than usual, as I don't have to work on Friday's. We go to sleep and awaken into the magic that is Friday morning. We don't set an alarm, but I usually stir around 8, and just enjoy laying in bed, sometimes I play games on my iPhone, or check email or read. Eventually my bladder forces me out of bed, and before I come back, I turn on the oven. While the oven preheats, Matt and I cuddle, talk, giggle and just enjoy being married. We read books together, and by that I mean we read them out loud to each other. Right now for example we are reading Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is out emotional bonding time. A way for us to linger in each other's presence before we start our day. At some point one of us puts in the cinnamon rolls and climbs back into bed for another glorious 25 minutes of togetherness. It gives us an hour of time together, uninterrupted, planned connecting time. I love it! It's my favorite.
those look soooo yummy!!
Thanks, I will admit that I didn't take that picture, but that is what they look like most of the time.
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