Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I saw these questions on a blog that I read and thought that they would be fun to answer since my current thoughts are still too jumbled to post, I will post about one of my favorite times by answering these "10 on Tuesday" Questions that I read on Stephany writes, she has a good blog. You should check it out!

1. Where did you go to college?

Biola University. A smallish private Christian University that my parents went to and my brother is still attending. It is in the small town of La Mirada, Ca

2. What did you study?

I started out as an English Education Major, planing on becoming an english teacher, then found out that I could major in Ministry (working at a church). Which is something that I hadn't even considered as a job. I switched majors freshman fall, to Christian Education (now Christian Ministry), and never looked back. I got to study, teaching, development, small groups, leadership and have a rocking internship for two years.

3. Was college really all that it was cracked up to be?

Honestly it exceeded my expectations. I found an amazing group of friends who I was totally blessed with. We had our own group, we ate dinner together every night (there were like 20+ people at dinner) and got to learn and grow together. We mostly hung out in the lobby of our dorm and were called the "Lobby Crew" (shout outs to anyone who reads this from that group, love you!). We even decided to ditch the schools "spring banquet" and create our own. It was AMAZING! I loved college, and the friendships I made there.

4. How far were you from home?

I was about two hours from my "home". I didn't have a car freshman year, so it may as well have been 500 hours, but it was great. Close enough to go home for holidays but far enough away that my parents didn't just show up for dinner.

5. Did you have the same roommate all four years?

Mostly different roommates each year. Freshman year I had a roommate for the 1st semester who moved rooms due to our opposite sleeping schedules. (she was up with lights on and people in the room until 3am, and I had 8am classes). So I picked a friend and we were roommates for the next year in a triple with another friend. Then I moved into the school owned apartments for my next two years, with completely different people. Total over the four (well 3 1/2 for me) years of college not counting summer housing, I lived with 10 different girls. Mind you that some were in multiple bedroom apartments and two were suite mates, but ya, I guess I did live with a lot of different people.

6. Where did you order food from at 2am?

Molca Salsa - a local horribly greasy mexican fast food place that was open 24hrs.
Denny's - many late night study groups took place in Denny's, many time with the food showing up around 2 am.

7. Did you date in college or were you tied down?

In my first year and a half I dated a guy for like 3-4 months? It REALLY didn't work out, in fact we broke up 3 days after I brought him home for a friends wedding and he met a TON of my friends. I was mostly free during this time, and loved investing in friendships. In February of my 2nd year, I started dating this guy. Then we got engaged, and then we got married, and now we are expecting a baby in November! So I was "tied down" for the 2nd half of college, but I am so happy I was.

8. Funniest drunk college moment?

See the thing about Biola is you sign this contract. No drinking while enrolled in classes. So its a dry campus. This doesn't mean that there are many who ignore the contract, it just means there are no drunken parties or open drinking. You may think this is crazy, but I LOVED IT! It was great not to worry about roomies coming home drunk, or there being wild parties while you were trying to study. It was a great experience. So no funny drunk stories from college from me, sorry.

9. Did you make it to class on time?

Yes. I liked being one of the first there, especially in my major classes because you got to chat with the professors and the other kids in the class. It was really great for me to be able to build those relationships. Now I will admit, that there was this one 8am class that attendance didn't count for. So I showed up maybe a total of 6-7 times the entire semester. 3 of them were for tests that I couldn't miss. I managed to pull off a B+ in that one, and while I am not proud of not going to the class, I am proud of the fact that it didn't affect my grade too much.

10. What was your favorite class in college?

YIKES! I had so many favorites, I really did. Here are my top 5 (in no particular order) and why:

Foundations of Ministry- This class cemented the fact that I wanted to go into vocational ministry as well as the fact that I was the TA for it the following year. The professor was amazing, and I apply many things that I learned in that class in my job right now! Also, this is the class that I meet my hubby in freshman year. So that in and of its self makes it on the list.

O&A - (Organization and Administration of Ministry) - I took this class early (it was a 400 level and I took it as a sophomore), and I was so thankful that I did. I learned more about the brass and tacks of ministry than I learned in all of my other classes combined. It opened my eyes early that this career path I was on was not going to be an easy one, it was not going to be one that was going to make me a lot of money, or be fun all of the time. Knowing that, it allowed me to cement that regardless of how hard it was going to be. This is where God has called me, and it gave me some great tools to use.

Theology 1- I waited to take this class from "the teacher". The one that everyone wants for this class. Its the class that Juniors and Seniors wait to take, so they can have priority and get this professor. SO WORTH THE WAIT! This class pushes you in what you believe, why you believe it and how you should respond to it. I grew so much in my personal faith because of this class, I learned so much about myself. I was pushed to a greater appreciation and understanding of my faith in an academic way that also affected my heart.

Evangelism - I took this class and loved every minute of it. I really can't say why, other than the teacher was beyond amazing. She had us look at things we knew from new perspectives. Challenged our thinking in so many ways. It was a GREAT class.

And last, but not least, I am totally going to cheat and say:
All of my Dr. Anthony classes!
Worship - We got to learn about new styles of worship and engaged our minds and hearts into something that is so essential to faith.

Foundations of Teaching - The second hardest class in the major. This class was mostly about educational theory and how people learned. We had to memorize a TON of philosophies, dates, people and theories about education and how people learned. I was never prouder of a B in my whole life.

Internship 2 - If you are afraid of public speaking. DO NOT take this class ever. You had to speak, every single week. You had to present your assignment every week! Also, in your internship you had to teach 15 times two of which had to be video taped and graded by your mentor AND the professor. There is also something called the "ummm bell". If you said umm, or any "filler words" such as like, um, well you know, etc. the bell would ring and you would have to start from the beginning. I pulled an A in this class. Something that very few people do, it was stretching to say the least.

Dr. Anthony is a true mentor to me. He is the professor you sign up for office hours for just to talk about life. He make even the most daunting and difficult material fun and exciting. He cares for each of his students. He was even going to marry my hubby and I but we had to change the dates, and he had a date conflicting. He is one of the biggest reasons I am in ministry and where I am today.

There is my super long 10 question college post, hope you enjoyed it!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Unconditional Love

The concept of love is something I am familiar with on many different levels. For example there is my love for half baked ice cream. There is my love for my job, for my co-workers, for my friends. There is a love for my kids, even when there are 50 of them going crazy at once on a Wednesday night. Then there is a love for my family, my parents my brother. There is also my love for my husband. Each of these I love in a different way to a different level, in a different way. Then I think about the love I have and will have for my own child. How great of a love is that?

Then I think of the Father's love for me, and how He loves me always, no matter what I do, say or feel. He loves me even when I don't love Him. How great of a love is that. His love truly is deeper than the oceans and higher than the heavens. There is no bounds to His love for me, or you. How amazing it is to be loved for who I am, where I am today. That is unconditional love.