Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What would you like to hear about?

So I have successfully made it 1/2 the month of posting 1 blog every day! It is exciting and challenging. I wont lie, I scheduled many of the posts ahead of time so that I know that they will get posted on the right day. The reason for this is two fold. Number one, I have no clue of knowing when I will/would (see this is where the scheduling is a bit tricky) go into labor. Therefore I wanted to make sure that I would still be able to have a post a day for all of you. Number two, I don't have internet at my home. I type the post at home, and then transfer them and schedule them to blogger while I'm at work. I especially have to do this for Friday's and Saturdays because I unless I go to starbucks or my parents, there is no way that I will have access to the internet.

I have several interesting blog post planed for the rest of the month. Ok, fine, so they are interesting to me, and hopefully you will enjoy/appreciate them as well. However, I would like to know if any of my readers have something they would like me to write about in particular. You can post a comment for this post, or if you are shy (since I don't a annoynomus llowcomments due to spam) you can use my formspring on the right hand side of my blog. I am not in any way saying that I WILL write about your suggestions, I am just curious to know what my few readers would like to hear about. So please, don't be shy and give me some writing ideas that YOU would find interesting!

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