Monday, November 15, 2010

There is something about having an honest exchange of ideas/beliefs

Is it possible to have an open and honest exchange of beliefs without judgment from either side?

I have had this burning to work some things out with what I believe and discuss it with others who disagree to see the differences. I really do enjoy honest conversations/debates about personal feelings. However I find that many times, feelings are hurt and friendships are either ended or strained by this exchange. That isn't something I want to do.

I have no idea how to not sound judgmental when I state my beliefs that I know others are going to feel judged by. For example, I don't agree with sex before marriage. I strongly feel that way, however I know many people who do believe that. SO WHAT? I honestly don't judged them, I feel like their lives could be better if they chose to live the way I believe is best, but most of them feel the same way about me. They feel that I have "missed out" because the only man I have slept with is my husband. I feel that they have "missed out" because they don't know how amazing it is to only share that with one person forever. There is no way to compare either. There is no way to determine which way is truly better for we can only know one of these two experiences therefore there is no way to truly know which is "better".

Why is it that when I have higher standards for myself than others they feel judged? I don't judge them. I have chosen to live a certain way and honestly I LOVE it. I think it is the BEST way to live and I want to share that with you. Yet, many times people still feel as if I'm judging them or attempt to make me feel like my choices are less valid because of things I have not experienced and therefore can't have an informed opinion which means that their opinion is more valid than mine.

Do you feel judged when someone has higher standards than you?
Can you have an honest debate/exchange of ideas with someone who has vastly different views than you without feeling hurt?
Is it important or is there even a reason to exchange ideas with others?
How do you feel about this?

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