Monday, November 08, 2010

Randomness about me #61-80

61. I love chocolate. I mean REALLY love chocolate.

62. Children's Ministry is the most rewarding and challenging calling.

63. I'm so sick of being pregnant. Really, I totally am.

64. Being prego is one of the most amazing, frustrating miracles ever.

65. I have no idea how people can look at the beauty around them and think that it happened by accident. Seriously, I really don't understand it. It really makes no sense to me at all.

66. I love eating veggies and salads, but I don't do it very often. Mostly because I have the hardest time finding good produce as well as a husband who refuses to touch the stuff.

67. My husband is the most amazing person in the world.

68. Disneyland is one of my most favorite places ever. It is my happy place.

69. My engagement ring is the most expensive thing I have ever worn.

70. I love being crafty, but what I make NEVER matches what I want it to look like in my head or the picture I'm trying to copy.

71. I have a really bad habit of listening into others conversations while in public. I'm not sure why but I think people are interesting the way they act.

72. My favorite color is hot pink.

73. I have recently found a fun new hobby of playing online poker.

74. I have been in three car accidents. All as passengers. I still freak out if I see tons of break lights, as well as have occasional panic attacks.

75. It really bugs me when people break the rules or abuse the privileges they have, and totally get away with it.

76. I yell at other drivers who are being stupid. Sometimes out loud.

77. I don't bite my nails, I peel them. It is a horrible habit and the reason that unless I have acrylic nails they are super short and ridiculous.

78. 95% of the time I wear a dress or skirt to church. Not because I have to, but because it is how I grew up as well as something that inside i feel is "proper" for me.

79. I multitask way to much. Sometimes I do it so much that it is distracting. Other times I find the perfect combination to get tons done fast.

80. I hate spiders. I REALLY hate black widows. I don't like the idea that something that small can do so much damage.

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