March: I found out I was pregnant, and started to experience "morning sickness" but mine was from about 2 or 3pm until 10 or 11pm. Which was great for getting to work on time but annoying for anything I had planned after work.
April: We started to tell people we were expecting. We told our parents at easter in person because they were all together. I told my bosses at work, and a few select friends. We announced the pregnancy "officially" after I was 12 weeks, just to make sure all was well. I also received a state disability refund and found out that I didn't qualify for state paid leave because we weren't supposed to be getting that with held from our pay checks and it was too late for me to get my own short term disability leave.
May: I started really feeling tired, and exhausted, but all in all it was a good month. I started gearing up for my big summer program at work, and people in the church started to realize that I was expecting. I found out that I would have up to 12 weeks off for maternity leave, and that it would be unpaid, minus my vacation time.
June: Was a complete blur with Summer Blast and trying to sleep. God blessed me by feeling good most of the time and we started to save like crazy! We also found out we were gonna have a boy! We also got to feel our baby kicking like CRAZY.
July: Matt got a job! It's only part time on Saturday and Sunday, BUT it means that 1) we have extra money coming in to save and pay for baby stuff and 2) Matt can stay home during the week with the baby so no paying for childcare.
August: I spent all of August preparing to be gone from work for 6-12 weeks. We also started to collect all of the baby stuff we needed as well as made the official decision to cloth diaper (more on that in another post).
September: I honestly have no idea what happened to this month. I know that we got our big baby items thanks to our amazing parents, as well as started to rearrange our 1 bedroom so that it could accommodate baby stuff. It went by so fast, it was almost as if it didn't exist.
October: Was such a full month, I don't even know where to begin. My amazing MIL threw me a shower in LA so that all of my college friends could come as well as some family. Then my aunt thought it was horrible for me to not have a shower in the town I grew up in and was currently living in so she threw me one completely last minute. Also, a few ministries from the church chose to take up a love offering for Matt and I. Such a blessing as it is helping us purchase the other things we need for baby!
November: The baby is coming! I seriously have spent the entire month timing contractions, wondering when I will go into labor and hoping that it will come soon. I remember being anxious/excited for my wedding and it has been pretty much the same feeling except for the fact that I don't know WHEN. With the wedding, I had a solid count down, with this, the not knowing is killing my inner control freak.
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