Monday, November 01, 2010

November is here!

I can hardly believe that November is already here! It is a complete dream, the time has gone by so fast yet so slow at the same time. September and October flew by as a whole, but each day seems to creep by so slowly. I can't believe that this month I will become a mom. I don't know when, just that it will be anytime before thanksgiving. I'm currently 38 weeks, and starting to show signs of "starting the process" but for first timers it could still be another 2-3 weeks. I am so excited to start this new journey in my life!

On a completely separate note, for three or four years now, I have wanted to participate in National Novel Writing Month, where a person is challenged to write 50,000 words of a story from midnight on November 1st until 11:59pm on November 30th. However, with me having a baby some point this month, I just don't think that is realistic. Something else I have been wanting to do, is drum up my blogging. I want to actually write about the things I'm thinking about or things I find interesting and want to share with others, as well as have a place to publicly share what is going on in my personal life in a meaningful way. So, even though I will most likely not succeed due to being in the hospital for a few days to give birth I am going to attempt another writing event that starts today. NaBloPoMo (now that is a mouthful to say!), basically the goal is to post a blog each day during the month of November. Again due to going into labor at some unknown point this month I can't guarantee that I will be able to complete this challenge, but I figure at least it will get me posting a bit more this month. So join me as I attempt to post a blog each day, we will see how far I get!

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