Sunday, September 18, 2005

I am so sad and totally bummed right now, I find out today that my college pastor is leaving, and tomorrow is his last day. I have no possible way to get home, because my parent's told me that I'm not allowed to drive, or to take my car. What is the point of me even having a dang car unless i'm allowed to use it? I mean come on! I am so hurt and sad right now, it is unbeleivable. If I wasn't so scared of the San Bernidino bus stop I would totally take the Grey Hound... but no it isn't a good idea. I wish that I could feel a peace w/ me staying home but I don't. My heart aches for my home church body, and longs to be with them durring this sensitive time. I want to see Kelly and Dan one more time in the church that I have called my own for the majority of my life. I want to hug my brothers and sisters in Christ who are greiving this loss to our community. Dan has meant so much to me in my spiritual life, it is hard to see him go... I always took it for granted that I could come home and waltz into his office or hear him on a sunday nite... but now he is gone, and my parent's aren't letting me say goodbye... I have too many past regreats of not saying goodbye so this is the hardest thing in the world for me...I don't know how to handle it. Lord, make me better...

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