Friday, September 09, 2005

chapel today

How am I living??? Who are my hero's? Am I joyful in all situations? Who do I belong to? So in chapel today God challenged me. I look up to alot of people I shouldn't. I am not one to be "oh my gosh she is so famous, I want to be just like her" But I have been known to be like, "She is so pretty, I wish I could look like her" but God reminded me today that, IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! My life is not my own, it is His. I am a slave to Christ, I have nothing, I am nothing. This semester feels like it is just going to fly by, it feels as if anything I do will just be something I do and not something to futher His kingdom. I have said some goals of this semester are t be 1) more disipaned in some ways and 2) to be more spontanious, and not such a scheduall freak. I know that these seem to clash, but I think I need a healthy dose of both right now. But first and formost my goal this semester will be Christ, really learning what it means to be His completly and acting that out. This is going to be very hard, because it means that I have to pay attention to every thought, every word, every action and make sure they are all glorifying to Christ. Is it possible? All things are possible through Christ who streanghtens me -Phillipians 4:13 This is going to be an intresting journy this semester, as I continue to grow and mold into the person God is calling me to be. He is challenging me and pushing me farther than I thought possible, but He is good, and I will rejoice always in Him. To my lobby friends... Thank you for being here for me, I love you all!

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