Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I currently can't see strait due to work overload...

Have you ever felt like this? That is how I feel, completely and utterly overwhelmed. Work is insane this week. On top of Easter (which is already insane), my office is having construction done on it, so I am office-less AND can’t get to all of the stuff I need to. AND we started construction on my building, which HAS to be done by Easter Sunday, AND we encountered some problems we don’t quite know how to solve. AND I’m launching a new program after Easter, which has to have finished curriculum. So just with work, I feel as if I’m drowning… AND trying to do everything else. It will get better, but as for now, back to it! I'm so glad I LOVE my job, or this would be 100x's worse!


Sarah Ann said...

I know how you feel - except with schoolwork! It's crazy! But God is so good!!

Ashley said...