Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Walt Wednesday

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."

-Walt Disney

from here

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I currently can't see strait due to work overload...

Have you ever felt like this? That is how I feel, completely and utterly overwhelmed. Work is insane this week. On top of Easter (which is already insane), my office is having construction done on it, so I am office-less AND can’t get to all of the stuff I need to. AND we started construction on my building, which HAS to be done by Easter Sunday, AND we encountered some problems we don’t quite know how to solve. AND I’m launching a new program after Easter, which has to have finished curriculum. So just with work, I feel as if I’m drowning… AND trying to do everything else. It will get better, but as for now, back to it! I'm so glad I LOVE my job, or this would be 100x's worse!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Walt Wednesday

“Ever since the beginning of wisdom, man has been fashioning a brighter light and a stronger glass to help him probe deeper and deeper into the marvels of nature's secret world.

Today, with the modern microscope, we can peer into dark corners we've never seen before. Often we can't explain what we see, but just looking is always a dramatic and thrilling experience.”

-Walt Disney

From my iPhone app

Monday, March 22, 2010

I know that my blog has been mostly what I consider "fluff" bits lately. I really do apologize for that. I have been so incredibly busy, AND on top of that, I have so much going on in my life that I can't blog about, it makes writing about me right now difficult. I promise that I will return to my blog with good posts soon, but for now here is an update of what had been going on.

1. We moved, and love our new place. However we are so NOT unpacked, it has now become an explosion of rummaged through boxes. *sigh

2. We have been to 2 weddings this month, the most recent this past weekend.

3. Matt is gone all week this week, working for his uncle 6.5 hrs away from me. At least it is money, (which honestly we desperately need right now) but I will miss him terribly!

4. I'm really excited about Easter this year, I am pulling out all the stops at work, and it's looking like we get to have some good family time as well.

5. Our lives are changing in a big way soon and I want to talk about it. Oh, do I WANT to talk about it, but I can't right now. Not until certain things happen first. Soon, very soon you will hear about it... but until then my lips are sealed.

Sorry for the quick and randomness, I promise a good post later...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Walt Wednesday

In bad times and good,

I have never lost my sense of zest for life.

-Walt Disney

taken from my iPhone app

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hidden Mickey's

I miss Disneyland, I miss it a TON right now. This is the longest I have gone without going to "the Park" since I was in middle school. I really don't know what to do about it. It doesn't look like I'll be going anytime soon. So for now, I will just look at this picture. It is one of my FAVORITE Hidden Mickey's in Disneyland. I was lucky enough to snap a picture of it last year while I was there. Enjoy, and maybe next time you go, you will be able to spot it.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Is anyone else totally dragging today? I can barely keep my eyes open this morning and I keep yawning. Its absolutely ridiculous, and I'm blaming the time change, 100%!

In other news, I hope you all have a fabulous Monday, and are able to stay wake more easily than me... because right now, I'm off to find some form of caffeine :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Finally Friday

If you haven't heard me say it before, I LOVE FRIDAYS. They are my FAVORITE day of the week. Here are the top five reasons why I love Fridays:

1. It's my day off. Well mostly, about 2-3 time a month, I have an event in the evening, but its only 4 hours, and ALWAYS fun and never feels like work.

2. It's my day of sleeping in, or at least, laying in bed snuggling with my hubby longer than usual and enjoying our typical Friday breakfast of Cinnamon rolls.

3. It's my day to catch up. I get to bake, do laundry, clean the house, organize, prepare blog posts for the week and try and figure out what needs to happen for the next week.

4. Its my day of rest. I try and spend a good portion of Fridays doing nothing, or at least watching TV/veging/goofing off. This helps keep me sane the rest of the week

5. I can stay up as late as I want! Saturday nights I need to be in bed early, as I have work at 7am on Sunday mornings, but Friday night is a time when I can stay up late, that is, I would if I ever had a good reason too.

So there you have it, 5 reasons as to why I love Fridays!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Walt Wednesday

“The era we are living in today is a dream coming true.”

- Walt Disney

From my iPhone Disney App

Monday, March 08, 2010


Wedding season is upon us, We took a break this weekend from moving to attend the first of five weddings over the next few months. This was the wedding of one of my college roomies and good friends Tom and Shelley. I wish I had my camera but some how during the move, it ended up packed. Shelley and I meet freshman year, and hung out a TON, and became friends. Sophomore year, we moved to live in the same dorm on the same floor. Then Junior year we became roomies. We also both started dating seriously within 6ish months of each other. Here we are on one of our double dates Junior year to Knott's Scary Farm (I couldn't find the pic of all four of us, that I KNOW exists somewhere)

Shelley also introduced me to a FABULOUS college group, which I was a part of for most of college. I even when to Kenya with them, here are some of my favorite peps on safari. We were all at the wedding on Saturday (well considering that two where the bride and groom, one the MoH, and another the FoB it makes sense). It was so amazing to see all of these guys again...

Spending Saturday evening with all of these wonderful friends makes me miss living in the OC. It made me miss my Disneyland coffee dates with Suzy, it make me miss giving Shelley and Tom a hard time about playing WOW, it made me miss that special college group and remember all that happened during that time in my life. I am so thankful for all of these friends that God has blessed me with. I am hoping to be able to make it over their more often to visit.

Here is the new Mr. and Mrs. I'm so thankful that both of you have been a part of my life! May God Bless your marriage, as you start your lives together.

Shelley and Tom
Kenya, 2007

Husband and Wife

Thursday, March 04, 2010

The move day is tomorrow

Tomorrow, we are moving. We have friends coming over to help us tomorrow. However, we went by the new place last night, and it isn't ready for us! They gave us the keys and it wasn't ready. At first they told us that we could have a week to move our stuff, I thought that was fair, since they are loosing rent on our apartment, but the one we are moving into wasn't ready on the 1st. Well we found out yesterday that when we got the keys we need to be out by Monday morning. This would be ok, if I didn't have a wedding to go to out of town on Saturday, and I didn't work on Sunday...

So now, NOTHING is packed, I mean I have NOTHING in packed, the only boxes that have things in them are the boxes that never got unpacked when we moved in. So tonight, instead of going to the Alice in Wonderland midnight showing, and all day tomorrow, I will be franticly packing and moving. Have you ever moved with out packing? My wonderful husband seems to think that because we are only moving 400 feet, we don't need to pack anything. *sigh palm face* My need to organize and do this in a orderly manor, with none of my dishes breaking. Is that too much to ask? I really love my hubby but we are so different in this whole prepared vs fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants thing, stuff like this makes it a challenge.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Walt Wednesday

"It’s a mistake not to give people a chance to learn to depend on themselves while they are young."

- Walt Disney

from here