Exactly 5 years ago, I was a sophomore at Biola University. I had spent the last 11 months single, and loving developing relationships with my friends. Many of these relationships are still important to me today. 5 years ago I had a planed trip to Disneyland with a fellow classmate/major friend (Major as in college degree not anything more than that, at least not yet..). I had a pass, and he had recently gotten one, and we talked about getting a group together and going one day...
The day was a friday (my no class day) and I was enjoying late lunch with some friends when we got a phone call that one of our floor mates was in the ER again, and really needed some support. We all ran back to our rooms, packed up a few waiting room essentials, and hoped in the car. As we were pulling off campus, I made a phone call and left a message for the friend I was supposed to meet, explaining that I was not going to make it because I needed to support a friend in the hospital and we could reschedule. It was less than 1/2 an hour before I was supposed to meet him. I felt horrible for canceling, I remember siting in the back of my roommates car having this, "I should go" feeling. Then as we were a few blocks from campus I we got a call saying she was going to be released in an hour and there was no reason to come over. We turned around, and I left another voicemail un-canceling the Disney trip w/ my friend.
That Disneyland trip is my most significant ever. The part was practically empty, we went on a ton of rides MULTIPLE times together. The first time we went on the matterhorn, the castmember forgot to ask "together or separate" (something that to this day, has never happened to me again), and placed us in the coster together. We talked, had fun, and somewhere along the way, it turned into flirting. I am in no way a flirt, but it felt so natural, so fun. It lead to lots of "lobby dwelling" with friends....

Which finally after a ridiculously long engagement, 2.5 years later lead to our wedding,

I am so thankful I didn't cancel that Disney trip. I totally had placed Matt in the "friend only box", I am so thankful that that trip allowed me to let him out and see how perfect we were for each other. Because of the way it happened, I have always held true to the fact that our relationship is the result of the famous "Disney Magic". (OK, so I know that isn't REALLY true, but hey, it makes it a more fun story). With valentines day just a few short days way, I love that I can look back this time of year, and remember how we fell in love and the crazy wonderful journey we have started together. I can't wait to see where the next many years lead.
I bet we've crossed paths at disneyland before. I had a pass while I went to school at...AZUSA (GASP!). Can we still be friends? (wink)
You went to Azusa? I don't know that we can be friends any longer (lol, jk). It is completely possible that we have crossed paths at Disneyland, I was constantly there in college. I was even one of the weirdo's who studied there. Sorry it took me so long to comment, I was out of town this weekend w/ no internet.
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