Thursday, January 06, 2011

An attempt at organization

I have mild OCD. when I clean, I CLEAN. If I cant clean to my standards, I don't bother because I just get frustrated and drive myself crazy. I am an black or white person. Things are either perfectly in place and i care a great deal and it has to be perfect, OR I have to choose to not care and ignore it. *sigh. It's really frustrating. I can't half clean because I leave it half undone. I never have the time to completely clean everything at once. It is something that I am working on. I found this really cool website that I think will help me get and stay organized. Its called fly lady. Here are the "11 commandments" to help you stay organized.

There is also a 30 day plan to slowly organize your house and get into a habit/routine to keep it that way. I would really like to try this, and organize my life and home better, but we will see. With the baby my house has become complete CHAOS or as the fly lady says "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome". Which is challenging because people want to come over and the baby. I really need to be more on top of my house as we are going to be hosting a life group starting in a few weeks as well as resuming game nights soon.

The question remains, is it possible for me to organize my home/life and keep it that way? Stay tuned as I attempt this feat.

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