Thursday, December 09, 2010

Questions about me and Matt

What are your middle names?

Jordan and Nicole

How long have you been together?

five years come feb

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

We were friends for a year

Who asked who out?

We went to disneyland as friends, and totally fell for each other.

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?

Well we see my brother recently more often because we go to his basketball games 1-2 times a week. We also see his sister a fair amount.

Do you have any children together?

Yes, we have a new son. Max!

What about pets?

We have a outdoor kitty.

Which situations are the hardest on you as a couple?


Did you go to the same school?

Yep, we met in college

Are you from the same home town?

nope, but we are both from southern california

Who is the smartest?

My hubby

Who is the most sensitive?


Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Fast food

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Mexican Riviara

Who has the craziest exes?

Well considering I'm the only one who has any exes i would have to say me

Who has the worst temper?


Who does the cooking?

We both do. He cooks a fair amount because of my work schedule he makes lunch for me. But I love cooking.

Who is more social?

We are both very social

Who is the neat-freak?

Neither of us.

Who is the more stubborn?

Not me. Ok fine its me.

Who hogs the bed?

He hogs the bed, and I hog the sheets/covers

Who wakes up earlier?

Me unless he is working. But I'm usually the last out of bed.

Where was your first date?


Who has the bigger family?


Do you get flowers often?

Hardly ever

How do you spend the holidays?

We mix it up each year,

Who is more jealous?

Neither of us

How long did it take to get serious?

Well we "officially" became a couple about 3 weeks after our first date and we got engaged a year after that.

Who eats more?

Sometimes me, sometimes him.

Who does/ did the laundry?

We both do.

Who’s better with the computer?

We both are good

Who drives when you are together?

Most of the time its him.

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