Friday, December 31, 2010

New year, New goals

So last year I made a blogging goal to post to this blog twice a month. I did REALLY GOOD! There were only a few months in the summer where I only posted once, but the point is I actually maintained this blog on a somewhat regular basis for a year! Trust me, this is a big deal for me. I alway start off strong and then completely fizzle out, but not this time. Sure there was a slump in the middle, but I blame that I being pregnant and CRAZY busy as well as just plain exhausted. Lets be realistic though, last year I set the goal super low so that I could actually make it happen. This year, I actually plan on making this blog more a part of my life. I love writing and miss it. So if that means the only writing I can do is seemingly meaningless life updates, observations and interesting facts. So be it. I mean, I just had a kid (who's adorable face will soon be all over this blog), and since I'm not doing a "baby book" this can serve to show some major life updates as well as keep some family in the loop of what is happening in my life.

Also, I don't just want this to become a "baby/mommy blog". Yes, I am in that life stage, so it can't be completely avoided, but I would like to still share some opinions and deeper thoughts as I get bolder this year.

Here are my blogging goals for this year:
  • More PICTURES! I need to take more, and post more pictures on here!
  • Blog at least ONCE a week! I think I can do this!
  • Have several meaningful blogs where I share things of deeper meaning with my readers
  • Share some of my own writing on here. (this one is really scare for me. I have been writing poems and short stories for years, but have never shared them w/ a soul).
So just a few bloggy goals. Matt and I still are working on our goals for the new year as a family, and I will post some of them when we finnish. Have a happy new year everyone!

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