Friday, December 31, 2010

New year, New goals

So last year I made a blogging goal to post to this blog twice a month. I did REALLY GOOD! There were only a few months in the summer where I only posted once, but the point is I actually maintained this blog on a somewhat regular basis for a year! Trust me, this is a big deal for me. I alway start off strong and then completely fizzle out, but not this time. Sure there was a slump in the middle, but I blame that I being pregnant and CRAZY busy as well as just plain exhausted. Lets be realistic though, last year I set the goal super low so that I could actually make it happen. This year, I actually plan on making this blog more a part of my life. I love writing and miss it. So if that means the only writing I can do is seemingly meaningless life updates, observations and interesting facts. So be it. I mean, I just had a kid (who's adorable face will soon be all over this blog), and since I'm not doing a "baby book" this can serve to show some major life updates as well as keep some family in the loop of what is happening in my life.

Also, I don't just want this to become a "baby/mommy blog". Yes, I am in that life stage, so it can't be completely avoided, but I would like to still share some opinions and deeper thoughts as I get bolder this year.

Here are my blogging goals for this year:
  • More PICTURES! I need to take more, and post more pictures on here!
  • Blog at least ONCE a week! I think I can do this!
  • Have several meaningful blogs where I share things of deeper meaning with my readers
  • Share some of my own writing on here. (this one is really scare for me. I have been writing poems and short stories for years, but have never shared them w/ a soul).
So just a few bloggy goals. Matt and I still are working on our goals for the new year as a family, and I will post some of them when we finnish. Have a happy new year everyone!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top movies of 2010

As I was casually flipping through the yahoo news updates, I saw something interesting and clicked it. It was the top movies of 2010, as I looked at them I was shocked. Almost ALL of them were family fun oriented. AMAZING! In a world where sex and violence is glorified, families spoke with their dollars this year. I just hope hollywood is listening!

The top 10 movies of 2010 are as follows:
#10 – The Karate Kid
#9 How To Train Your Dragon
#8 Shrek Forever After
#7 Despicable Me
#6 Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows
#5 Inception
#4 The Twilight Saga Eclipse Part 1
#3 Iron Man
#2 Alice in Wonderland
#1 Toy Story 3

Lets take a look at the break down of these films:
Number of animated films: 4
Number of films aimed at families (in my opinion): 6
Number of films rated R: 0
Number of movies rated PG-13:4
Number of movies rated PG: 5
Number of movies rated G: 1

The top grossing film of 2010 is an ANIMATED movie rated G! Also don't think that this was a small margin, Toy Story 3 beat out #2 by over 80 million! This is amazing, it goes to show that you don't have to put "crap" into movies for them to be entertaining or successful. Very encouraging news to me. I hope that they make more family friendly films in the future!

Blessed on the eve of the eve of a new year

This year I have been completely blessed.

I have the most amazing hubby in the world. (Sorry ladies he is all mine!)

I am a mommy to the sweetest boy in the world.

I have family and friends who love me.

I have a fabulous job that I love, even though I'm currently on leave.

I have a cozy apartment that is just what we need right now.

I have amazing parents who live close and allow us to do laundry each week (sometimes more days than one) at there place.

God has truly blessed me this year. I can't wait to see what he has in store for me next year.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I never post videos, but this is funny

Ok, this is hilarious, enjoy this!

Here is the link, because my formating may be off

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Questions about me and Matt

What are your middle names?

Jordan and Nicole

How long have you been together?

five years come feb

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

We were friends for a year

Who asked who out?

We went to disneyland as friends, and totally fell for each other.

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?

Well we see my brother recently more often because we go to his basketball games 1-2 times a week. We also see his sister a fair amount.

Do you have any children together?

Yes, we have a new son. Max!

What about pets?

We have a outdoor kitty.

Which situations are the hardest on you as a couple?


Did you go to the same school?

Yep, we met in college

Are you from the same home town?

nope, but we are both from southern california

Who is the smartest?

My hubby

Who is the most sensitive?


Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Fast food

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Mexican Riviara

Who has the craziest exes?

Well considering I'm the only one who has any exes i would have to say me

Who has the worst temper?


Who does the cooking?

We both do. He cooks a fair amount because of my work schedule he makes lunch for me. But I love cooking.

Who is more social?

We are both very social

Who is the neat-freak?

Neither of us.

Who is the more stubborn?

Not me. Ok fine its me.

Who hogs the bed?

He hogs the bed, and I hog the sheets/covers

Who wakes up earlier?

Me unless he is working. But I'm usually the last out of bed.

Where was your first date?


Who has the bigger family?


Do you get flowers often?

Hardly ever

How do you spend the holidays?

We mix it up each year,

Who is more jealous?

Neither of us

How long did it take to get serious?

Well we "officially" became a couple about 3 weeks after our first date and we got engaged a year after that.

Who eats more?

Sometimes me, sometimes him.

Who does/ did the laundry?

We both do.

Who’s better with the computer?

We both are good

Who drives when you are together?

Most of the time its him.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Please be in prayer

My old college pastor's new born son and family need your prayers!

Please go here for more information and be in prayer for this family during this time!


Sunday, December 05, 2010

A virgin birth

The Christmas season is here. The decorations are appearing on street corners, in the malls and filling the stores. Christmas music is starting to fill the air waves in cars, stores and homes. What is the big deal about Christmas? The big deal is that a small child was born, in a dirty stable, in a insignificant town, to common parents. Here is the big deal: Mary the mother of this child was a virgin.

As Larry King said in regards to what he would ask Jesus: "I would like to ask Him if He was indeed virgin born, because the answer to that question would define history."

The birth of the Savior has defined history. It has changed my life, and I love remembering that at Christmas time.