I know I have completely neglected this blog! Here is a quick update of the last few months as well as a few goals for the next year:
August: Was crazy planing for and prepping for the amazing wedding that I have been waiting so long to have. Matt started to move into the apartment, and honestly, it was a complete blur full of wedding crazies and unfortunately some wedding drama, but I suppose that can never be avoided.
September: I married the man of my dreams. After nearly 3 years together we finally got married and got to go on our honeymoon. I will be posting a full wedding details list later, as well as a few honeymoon pictures.

October: Was full of October Blast planing, and trying to get back into ministry after a week honeymoon and trying to settle into a routine of being married, working full time, and being involved in many things. It was fun and went way too fast!
November: Started the rush of the holidays as well as a very important event, I became "Pastor of Children's Ministries". I am now a licensed pastor! It is what God has called me to and I'm very excited about it!
December: Christmas was crazy, honestly it really went from the week before Thanksgiving to the week after Christmas. We spent tons of time with family, and most of our time in LA/OC it was crazy! Also, Matt's mom got good news of being able to take a 6-12 month break from chemo! A huge blessing and Christmas present for her!
Honestly the last few months have been such a blur, I'm loving being married to the love of my life it is honestly the most amazing thing ever!
A few goals for the new year (in random order with little detail):
- Become a blogger by posting to this blog and my other ministry blog at least 2x's a month, plus my work blog 1x a week
- Become healthier by working out and eating better
- Become more organized by devoting time to organizing 1x a week
- Become a better Christ-follower by going deeper in my walk and sticking to my "JAM" times
- Become a better wife, friend, pastor and person by developing my character and being open to criticism, and DOING something about it.
- Become more disciplined in all areas of my life.
Maybe once I build my blog up a bit more, I'll start sharing the link with more people but until then, the few people who still check this... stay with me, more WILL be coming... even though this is like the 3rd time I've said that. LOL!