Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Lets call May the month of failed blogging. Hello long lost blog, I have missed you. My life has kept me away from you, the insanity of not having an office at work and all of my crazy tasks overwhelmed me. But now I am back, and I have so much to tell you. Which means that there will be many posts coming soonish.

Here is what my past few weeks have looked like

8:30am - 5:15ish Work with a modest lunch break
5:30-6:30 Dinner and if we are fast squeezing in some grocery shopping
7-10something Game night at our place.

8:30am - 5:15ish Work with a modest lunch break
Grab a quick dinner and be 20 min away by 6pm
6-8:30/9ish Life Group
Come home and CRASH

8:30-8:30 Work, with a short lunch and even shorter dinner break
9pm-10pm vegg on couch trying to recover from crazy work day

8:30am - 5:15ish Work with a modest lunch break
After work- date night/ catch up on house / try and have a life night

Laundry, being lazy and unmotivated, catching up from the insanity of the week, sometimes going out of town, being sick most weekends etc

7:15-1:30pm Work/Church
1:30-2ish lunch
2ish-5ish rest my swollen ankles and take a nap
5ish-10ish start to mentally prepare myself for the week and all I need to get done.

When I type it out it doesn't look that crazy, but it sure has felt that way. Now that I don't have my Wednesday night program anymore, things will hopefully feel better and more freeing and I wont feel so overwhelmed. :)

1 comment:

Ticklish Nymph said...

Actually, I'd say it looks pretty darned crazy just cause I know how fast the hours can fly by and how insane it is to have your week *that* filled up.

It was wonderful to see you last week (or was it 2 weeks ago? I'm not really sure anymore. Lol). Get loads of rest. *hugs*

Miss ya, friend. <3