Friday, April 23, 2010

My birthday

Wednesday was my 24th Birthday. I wasn't expecting anything big. Matt and I are still low in the funds area, and I had to work 12 hours that day.
At 11 am my office all got together to sing to me and to eat cake (office tradition) its nice to be able to talk/hang out with our office in a not so work oriented way.

Then Matt picked me up and took me to lunch at Olive Garden. There happens to be one less than 5 minutes away from my office. I should have taken the picture before we ate all the food, but oh well, it was AMAZING and very yummy!

Then while I was working our evening program one of my friends/coworkers got me a little mermaid cake! I heart disney so it was awesome! It was a nice surprise while I was looking at working for another 3-4 hours. :)

After work I crashed knowing that the next night would be a birthday dinner with my parents, followed by hanging out with Matt's mom for my b-day on Saturday.

Yesterday, I got home from work, and saw this super cute maternity dress that I'd been eyeing hanging on our coat rack. I started to question Matt about it, when all of the sudden my friend Alexa comes down the stairs in a nice dress, and tells me to put the dress on and we are going out. I am normally one to not be surprised. I normally am the one doing the surprising... so I was way taken off gaud. I quickly put on the dress (and shaved my legs) and we were off. We ended up a little over an hour away at Bj's (one of my favorite restaurants that isn't in our area), and two of my wonderful friends from the OC area joined us for dinner. It was so wonderful to just enjoy a dinner out with some of my girl friends! Here is a group shot of us after dinner.

So apparently my parents, and my husband was in on the whole thing, and we are having dinner with my parents tonight instead. It was a great time, and a wonderful reminder of how blessed I am to have great friends in my life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Morning Tea

Lately, the one thing that have been making my mornings, GREEN TEA. I wish that I had time, to sit down with a cup of tea, in a pretty cup and drink in my morning. However what actually happens is me pouring hot water into a travel mug with a tea bag, and letting it steep on the way to work. It has helped me focus in the morning, and ease into work a little bit better. I heart tea. What makes your morning better?

Monday, April 12, 2010

The reason...

I have not been blogging a ton lately. As I have previously hinted, I have a very good reason. I have decided to tell my blog readers before the massive facebook announcement later today, or tomorrow. I'm pregnant. SURPRISE to us! Come November 13th (give or take a week or two) there will be a little baby as a new addition to our family.

After Matt and I got over our complete shock, as this is a completely unplanned/how did this happen feelings. We are both very excited to begin this new chapter in our lives, albeit a bit (ok at least a year-ish) sooner than we were planning on. I'm currently just over 9 weeks, and have been feeling pretty miserable. On top of not being able to feel ever completely awake and anything besides exhaustion, nausea and raging hormones, work has cranked up hours for me, not only in a physical event, but time spent in prepping for that event each week.

I do have to tell you the story of how we found out, but that will come later... (perhaps tomorrow)

We are so excited about this, I don't want my blog to completely turn into a "baby blog" but it is a personal blog, so it will show some baby related things. We are so excited and still trying to figure how everything (money, time, childcare, work, life, etc) will work out now, but it is a new adventure we are excited about!

Monday, April 05, 2010

This weekend was a blur. I mean a complete and utter blur...

My day off, I got to sleep in a bit, and then was not feeling well at all. I mean, not well at all. So I laid down most of the morning, with a home that I was supposed to be cleaning and work at work that I should have been doing. I had to go to work at 3 for our two Good Friday services. We did those, I ate, and then went to bed.

Still not feeing great, I attempted to clean, rested and then headed to work to finnish preparing for Easter. Matt had a friend over, we hung out and then went to dinner, and then I went to bed as I had to be up at 5:30 to be at work at 6:30am

Easter is always a busy day for me. We had 2 services and 94 kids from birth through 5th grade. For some churches that isn't very many, for me, it was double the previous week. I'm just bummed that most of them were out of town guests. Anyways I worked nonstop from 6:45-1pm, I didn't even get to take more than 3 sips of my starbucks that I got on the way to work. Then it was off to my parents house for Easter lunch. Matt's family came as well and in total there were twelve of us. We were there until 10:30 (as per usual with family gatherings) and had tons of fun.

It was a crazy weekend and I am still feeling so exhausted from it. Yet, it was a totally blessed weekend with some really fun things happening too. More on that later, for now back to life that is moving hundreds of miles an hour.