In 2003, I went to Grenada on a mission trip and helped fix up a church that had very bad water damage.

In 2004, my family went on a cruise to Mexico, it was AWESOME. Sorry no pics on my compy for this one :(
In 2006, I went to Ireland for 10 days, and the experience was BEYOND amazing. This is the courtyard of trinity collage.

In 2008, I went to France, a true dream come true for me, I had 3 weeks in the French countryside with a few days in Paris At the top of my blog is a picture from the countryside I was staying in.

For our honeymoon Matt and I chose to go on the same cruise to Mexico my family had gone on twice previously. It was convenient with dates and at a price we couldn't beat. While it was fun and relaxing, I honestly didn't feel like I was traveling or experiencing a new culture. I was just thrilled to be on vacation with my Hubby and that the whole wedding was finally done with.
I want to travel, I want to go back to Africa, I want to spend time in England and the rest of europe for that matter, I want to go to South America, or Australia, or anywhere in Asia.
However due to the fact that I am currently on the mommy wagon... it will be a long while before I will be able to go those places, or we would somehow have to figure out how to afford the extra plane ticket. I guess I will have to come up with something else to fix my travel bug. Any ideas?