I can't believe all that God has done in my life the past year. One year ago, I was living in whittier, working at Disney trying to figure out if I should get my teaching credentials because there was no way I was going back to ministry.
July - I was getting very few hours at Disney and a friend of mine from Biola was hired at a church in my home town...
August - My mom fell twice and broke two
bones, I came home to help her while my dad was gone...
September - I ended up subbing for my mom and staying in the desert Monday - Friday going to visit Matt every weekend
October - I decided to go for a teaching program and enrolled in the Chapman program in the Desert, and gave notice in my apartment in Whittier, and bought my 1st Mac, I will never go back!
November - I started helping out a little bit with my friend from Biola's jr. High group, Matt started working in Porterville Monday - Friday and I was in the desert more full time.
December - Matt and I decided that by next Christmas we would be married.
January - Matt's mom got diagnosed with Breast Cancer (originally we were told stage one and found out later in the month that it was stage 4) This was a very bitter month for me as i was frustrated with life, and where God had me, as I worked to seek Him, I slowly found peace and a "wait" feeling
February - Matt and I hit 2 years of being engaged, I continued my teaching program and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I went to Winter camp with the Jr. High group and began to help more often with them.

March - At the end of the month, I found out that the Children's position at the church I had been volunteering at was opening, that day I turned in my resume and my life changed.
April - On the 1st I was hired as the Interim director of Children's Ministry at Desert Springs Church. Matt and I decided to get married sooner than later.
May - I moved into my own 1 bed apartment and
fell in love with ministry again. Matt and I set a wedding date of Sepember 5th 2009
which brings me to...
June - I am now officially the Director of Children's Ministry at Desert Springs Church. Matt passed his CHP interview and I am busy wedding planing. Matt's mom is still fighting the cancer, but has a positive outlook. God has seriously been blessing me like crazy right now. I am at a place in my life where even though things are spinning around me, I know that I am where I'm supposed to be. It is so far from 1 year ago, but I know that my heart was made for ministry, it was just in God's timing for it to happen at the right place. I am so thankful for that and the opportunity to serve God in the church teaching His kids. It is absolutely amazing.